Saturday, July 26, 2008

June 5, 1972

United States armed forces have invaded Cambodia
as Nixon prattles on about peace with honor.
An eighteen year old boy was killed on the
New York Subway this morning.
Thousands of students are marching to
Washington to protest the draft
as illegal and immoral, and
I had a son today.

Nineteen persent of America's high school students
cannot read.
Footage from the 6 o'clock news shows
boys dead in Viet Nam,
because you don't have to read to be drafted,
just be a red-blooded, all-American boy,
young and scared and
I had a son today.

TIME magazine screams "Is God dead?"
as children's blood is spilled on
our nation's streets.
Big Brother is watching us all
and I think I want to run
far, far away.
I won't stop to pack because
I had a son today.

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